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Fields Of Activity


Vibriso   The automotive industry, which requires the most complex technology after the aerospace industry, requires a highly disciplined technology involving major engineering fields. A motor vehicle is the result of the production and assembly of around 5,000 parts of different nature, material structure, process, technology and production location, with a common understanding of quality management and efficiency.

In order for a motor vehicle to be manufactured and put on the road, it must comply with and be certified in accordance with around 50 global technical regulations on safety, traffic and the environment. These regulations are constantly renewed in line with developments in technology. In particular, preparations for new environmental regulations put the sector under great pressure.

Due to intense competition in the market, customer satisfaction can only be achieved through technological development. For this reason, intensive R&D and continuous development are essential in the sector. METAL FABRİKA has been contributing to the sector since 1982 until today. We have carried out joint R&D and P&D activities in many fields.

1 • Passenger and Commercial Vehicles

2 • Heavy Vehicle industry

3 • Transportation group (Bus and minibus group)

4 • Balance Bar and arm group

5 • Shock Absorber Parts

6 • Steering arm mechanism

7 • Exhaust connections

8 • Leaf spring group

9 • Driveshaft parts

10 • Spring group

11 • Body fittings

12 • Other metal fittings

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